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Industry Insight – Google SEO Algorithm Updates

BY TOM HART | June 26, 2019

In June Google has announced more pesky algorithm updates to keep us advertisers on our toes and ultimately, refine the quality of the experience for users of the search engine giant. Have you noticed a change in your website's organic traffic? It seems to be the Health and Finance fields that have been affected negatively. If you want to be the first to hear about Google official algorithm updates (the ones they admit too) follow this account @searchliaison on Twitter. For the unofficial updates, confirmed by general consensus by the wider SEO community across the globe that monitor shifts and trends in big data, there's a wicked website called MozCast. Bookmarking this URL is certainly worthwhile: A Timeline of Events  June 3rd 2019 Google pre-announced a "core" update, but with limited details. Sites impacted in previous core updates seem to have been affected, in some cases, and some major UK publishers reported heavy losses. On average, the impact was smaller than the August "Medic" update, as measured by MozCast. Danny Sullivan from Google said this update will 100% be “noticeable.” June 6, 2019 Google pre-announced a "site diversity" update, claiming it would improve situations where sites had more than two organic listings. Moz data showed that, while the update did marginally improve SERPs with 3-5 duplicate sites on page one, the impact was relatively small. June 8th While yesterday we were not able to measure any major changes in the SERPs, today’s data clearly shows the impact of the core update. In the daily Visibility Index of the Toolbox you can see changes from 05.06. on 06.06. Below are a major sites effected both negatively and positively. Amongst are some big players that are very interesting indeed reporting losses of up to 50%! Do not be alarmed if you have seen a change in your traffic and your rankings, it may be time to revisit and revive your SEO activity so that you are offering fresh content and have high quality links. If you would like a free SEO audit of your website and a comprehensive strategy across a range of keywords get in contact on 0203 368 8556 or

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